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Lipe Power Beach Resort
丽⻉岛能源海滩度假村拥有令⼈沉醉的⽇出景⾊、天然沙滩、清澈的海⽔,还有渔村⻛光、海边渔⺠ 原始的出海打渔⽣活⽅式、周边村⺠的⽣活习惯、沙滩边岛⺠的⽣活⽓息,让您在丽⻉岛能源海滩度 假村拥有与城市⼯作氛围完全不同的体验。
来自客户 丽⻉岛能源海滩度假村

Nur from Malaysia
If you are looking for a view that is spectacular really recommended this place as the beach is just in front of your room with a sliding door.
Kishore from Bangladesh
“Excellence beach side cottage” with the beach side cottages, you will get a nice view of the white beach and blue water. Excellent staff and their positive attitude.
Khanh from Netherlands
Awesome location, right in front of the beach. And also the good side of the island if you ask me, little out of the crowned part whice is nice. Rooms are just the right size and clean.
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